Here are some of the better books (and a few magazines) worthy of an AK47 (Kalashnikov) collector, historian, shooter or builder
This list of AK47 books will grow as more are discovered and written.
Don’t waste money on some of these AK47 Books!!
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Check out our Top 10 Lists to get you started with the best books.
If you know of a good book about the AK47, or a book that includes good information or photos of the AK47, please let us know and we will add it to the list !
- Welcome to AK47 Books, where we review books about the AK47, Mikhail Kalashnikov and their place in history and firearms evolution Top 10 AK47 Books Welcome to the growing ...Read more...
- The Worlds Assault Rifles & Automatic Carbines; 1967The World’s Assault Rifles & Automatic Carbines(The World’s Weapons Series, Vol. 2)Gary Paul Johnston, Thomas B. NelsonHardcover; 1228 pagesPublisher: T. B. N. Enterprises 1967Ironside Intl ...Read more...
- Life Magazine: Israeli Soldier Cover; 1967Life Magazine: Israeli Soldier CoverJune 23, 1967Read more...
- Life Magazine: North Vietnam Soldiers; 1968Life Magazine: North Vietnam SoldiersVol. 64, No. 7February 16 1968; A TENSE INTERLUDE IN HUE: A woman photographer falls into North Vietnamese hands in the midst ...Read more...
- The AK47 Assault Rifle; 1969The AK47 Assault RifleWyant LamontPaperback: 150 pagesUS Combat BookshelfDesert Publications, (1st printing 1969) – 1991?ASIN: B007Q69SZOAdapted from a translation of a Russian handbookUsually pretty cheap ...Read more...
- Soldier of Fortune; Feb 1981Soldier of Fortune; Feb 1981 One of the first times we saw the AK74Read more...
- Soldier of Fortune; May 1983Soldier of Fortune; May 1983Read more...
- Soldier of Fortune; July 1984July 1984 edition of Soldier of Fortune magazine Origin of the term “Krinkov”First western glimpse of AKSU Introduction of the AKS-74u to the Western world.Read more...
- Soldier of Fortune; April 1987Soldier of Fortune Magazine April 1987 SOF Inspects the Sharp End of the AKM Color photographs AKM bayonets are both fascinating and varied. Left to right: Hungarian, ...Read more...
- The Ak47 Story; 1988The Ak47 Story Edward Clinton Ezel Paperback: 256 pages Stackpole Books (January 1, 1988) ISBN-10: 0811722473 ISBN-13: 978-0811722476 Good for its time before the Soviet collapse before Ezell met M. Kalashnikov Edward Clinton Ezell, was ...Read more...
- AK47: The Complete Kalashnikov Family Of Assault Rifles; 1988AK47: The Complete Kalashnikov Family Of Assault Rifles Duncan Long Paperback: 192 pages Paladin Press, (September 1, 1988) ISBN-10: 0873644778 ISBN-13: 978-0873644778 A medium quality ...Read more...
- AK-47 Kalashnikov Variation; 1991AK-47 & Kalashnikov Variation Masami Tokoi, Dai-Nippon Co, 1991 ISBN: 4-499-20582-4 168 pages Japanese Packed full of great color photographs. Most (but not all) variants .. ...Read more...
- The Guns Of The SouthAlt Fiction about time travelers from 2014 who go back in time and supply Robert E Lee and the South with AK 47’s. Printed: 1992 ...Read more...
- Soviet Small Arms and Ammunition; 1995Soviet Small Arms and AmmunitionBy David Naumovich BolotinHardcover; 304 pagesFirst printing in Russian1995 English translationOut of printPublisher: Finish Arms Museum Foundation, FinlandISBN-10: 9519718419 ISBN-13: 978-9519718415 Table ...Read more...
- Kalashnikov Arms; 1997Kalashnikov Arms Alexei Nedelin Hardcover: 241 pages MILITARY PARADE LTD (1997) ASIN: B002ADEPLA Hard to find, but they are still available Filled with great color ...Read more...
- Mikhail Kalashnikov: From a Strangers Doorstep to the Kremlin Gates, 1997Mikhail Kalashnikov: From a Strangers Doorstep to the Kremlin Gates Hardcover Publisher: Military Parade Publ House (1997) ISBN-10: 577340009X ISBN-13: 978-5773400097 456 pages with ...Read more...
- The Official Soviet AKM Manual; 1998The Official Soviet AKM Manual James F. Gebhardt, Paperback: 106 pages Paladin Press (January 1, 1998) ISBN-10: 1581600100 ISBN-13: 978-1581600100 This official military manual, available ...Read more...
- The New World of Russian Small Arms and Ammo; 1998The New World of Russian Small Arms and Ammo Charlie Cutshaw Hardcover: 160 pages Publisher: Paladin Press (September 1998) ISBN-10: 0873649931 ISBN-13: 978-0873649933 Under Soviet rule, Russian small arms designers ...Read more...
- Kalashnikov; 1999Kalashnikov: Machine Pistols, Assault Rifles and Machine Guns, 1945 to the Present John Walter Hardcover: 144 pages Greenhill Military Manuals / Greenhill Books, (September 4, 1999) ...Read more...
- Legends And Reality Of The AK; 2000Legends And Reality Of The AK: A Behind-The-Scenes Look At The History, Design, And Impact Of The Kalashnikov Family Of Weapons By Charlie Cutshaw, Valery ...Read more...
- The AK-47; 2001The AK-47 Chris McNab Zenith Press November 26, 2001 ISBN-10: 0760310254 ISBN-13: 978-0760310250 Originally conceived as a replacement for the Red Army’s ...Read more...
- Kalashnikov: The Arms and the Man; 2001Kalashnikov: The Arms and the Man Hardcover, 284 pages Collector Grade Publications (December 1, 2001) Edward Clinton Ezell, R. Blake Stevens ISBN-10: 0889352674 ISBN-13: ...Read more...
- The Military Knife & Bayonet; 2001The Military Knife & Bayonet Homer M. Brett Hardcover: 392 pages Publisher: World PHoto Press; 1st edition (2001) Language: English ISBN-10: 4846523012 ISBN-13: 978-4846523015 ...Read more...
- Kalashnikov Bayonets; 2002Kalashnikov BayonetsThe Collectors’ Guide to Bayonets for the AK and Its Variations Martin D. Ivie Hardcover: 218 pages Texas Diamond Eye Publications, 2002ISBN-10: 0972120939 ISBN-13: ...Read more...
- Charlie Wilson’s WarHardcover: 416 pages Publisher: Atlantic Monthly Press; First Edition edition (April 2003) Language: English ISBN-10: 0871138549 ISBN-13: 978-0871138545 Product Dimensions: 6.5 x 1.5 x 9.5 inches Shipping Weight: 2.1 pounds From an award-winning 60 Minutes reporter a good book on the Soviet-Afghanistan ...Read more...
- The AK-47 and AK74 Kalashnikov Rifles and Their Variations; 2004The AK-47 and AK74 Kalashnikov Rifles and Their Variations Joe Poyer Paperback: 186 pages North Cape Publications, 2004 2nd edition (September 15, 2006) ISBN-10: 1882391411 ...Read more...
- Kalashnikov Калашников: 2004Kalashnikov Калашников: 2004 Igor Krasnovski (Mikhail Kalashnikov’s grandson) Made as gifts for family, friends, vendors, and business associates Softcover; bound with 3 double-head screws, with an ...Read more...
- 7.62 x 39 mm AK-47 Handbook; 20057.62 x 39 mm AK-47 Handbook Skennerton & Riling Paperback: 35 pages Ray Riling Arms Books (January 1, 2005) ISBN-10: 094974980X ISBN-13: 978-0949749802 ▶ ...Read more...
- история русского автомата; 2005история русского автомата History of Russian Machine С. Б. Монетчиков S. B. Monetchikov Hardcover: 248 pages Publisher: Atlant (2005) Language: Russian ISBN-10: 5986550064 ISBN-13: 978-5986550060 Check out the other AK47 Collector BooksRead more...
- AK-47: The Weapon that Changed the Face of War; 2006AK-47: The Weapon that Changed the Face of War Larry Kahaner Hardcover: 272 pages Wiley, October 20, 2006 Paperback edition: 258 pages Wiley; 1 (October ...Read more...
- The Gun that Changed the World; 2006The Gun that Changed the World Mikhail Kalashnikov (Author), Andrew Brown (Translator) Elena Joly (Contributor) Polity; 1 edition (October 27, 2006) ISBN-10: ...Read more...
- Official Soviet AK-74 Manual: 2006Official Soviet AK-74 Manual: Operating Instructions for the 5.45mm Kalashnikov Assault Rifle (AK-74 and KS-74) and Kalashnikov Light Machine Gun (RPK-74 and RPKS-74) Paperback 150 pages James F. ...Read more...
- Kalashnikov Rifle Gunfighting; 2007Kalashnikov Rifle Gunfighting By Gabriel Suarez Spiral Bound Paperback: 100 pages Publisher: Infidel Media Group; 1st edition (December 1, 2007) ISBN-10: 0980203600 ISBN-13: 978-0980203608 ...Read more...
- Ak-47: the Story of a Gun; 2007Ak-47: the Story of a Gun: Michael Hodges Macadam/Cage; First Edition edition (2007) ISBN-10: 0340921048 ISBN-13: 978-0340921043Read more...
- Trigger Issues: Kalashnikov AK47; 2007Trigger Issues: Kalashnikov AK47 Gideon Burrows New Internationalist (May 1, 2007) ISBN-10: 1904456308 ISBN-13: 978-1904456308 Check out the other AK47 Collector BooksRead more...
- Kalashnikov & Russian Guns; 2007ミリタリー/ミリタリーモデル 関連書籍 114 pages. Kalashnikov & Russian GunsPrinted in JapaneseSoftcover with dust jacket., 114 pagesdelta publisher, 3/2007Code: HBJ25523Read more...
- AK-47 & Kalashnikov Variation, Chinese Copy; 2008?AK-47 & Kalashnikov Variation: Chinese CopyMasami Tokoi, 168 pages2008?Read more...
- Guns of Kalashnikov; 2008Guns of Kalashnikov Language: Japanese Softcover; 128 pages Publisher: Hobby Japan, February 2008 Code: HBJ25668Read more...
- Arms Magazine, Nov. 2008Arms Magazine November 2008Softcover; 244 pagesHobby Japanreleased September 27, 2008ASIN: B001FOA8NYRead more...
- Bodak pro samopal vz. 58Bodak pro samopal vz. 58 Czech army VZ58 bayonet. by Zdenek Benes Kid Sberatel Militaria Printed in Czech 27 pages a lot of illustrations 21. ...Read more...
- Михаил Калашников; 2009Mikhail Kalashnikov: Михаил Калашников Hardcover: 448 pages January 1, 2009 by A.E Uzhanov Publisher: Molodaia gvardiia Language: Russian ISBN-10: 5235032934 ISBN-13: 978-5235032934 Автор: Александр Ужанов Языки: Русский Издательство: Молодая гвардия Серия: Жизнь замечательных людей: биография продолжается ISBN 978-5-235-03293-4; ...Read more...
- Gun Digest Book Of The AK & SKS, 2009The Gun Digest Book Of The AK & SKS: A Complete Guide to Guns, Gear and Ammunition by Patrick Sweeney Paperback: 288 pages Gun Digest ...Read more...
- AK47 Book ReviewsHere are a collection of some of the best AK47 books available to collectors and builders We made this video in Sept 7, 2006 Another cool AK47 ...Read more...
- Beyond the Firearm AK 47/74 in CQBBeyond the Firearm AK 47/74 in CQBby Saulius “Sonny” PuzikasRussian AK Combat Training Techniques Beyond the AK47 in CQB (Close Quarters Battle) is the first of ...Read more...
- AK-47 The Grim Reaper; 2009AK-47 The Grim Reaper Frank Iannamico Hardcover: 868 Pages Chipotle Publishing LLC (2009) ISBN-10: 0982391803 ISBN-13: 978-0982391808 An entire section devoted to rifles you can ...Read more...
- Guns & Ammo: Complete Book of the AK47; 2009Guns & Ammo: Complete Book of the AK47 (vol 1) 2009Read more...
- Kalashnikov Encyclopaedia; 1st EditionKalashnikov Encyclopaedia1st Edition A set of two books Cor Roodhorst Hardbound, 1,521 pages part 1 (page 1 – page 740) / part 2 (page 741 ...Read more...
- Collecting the AK47; Books, Magazines, Manuals, etc“Why would anyone want or need an AK47?” We hear this question a lot, and this video is an answer.. One reason I like the AK47 ...Read more...
- AK47 Assault Rifle; 2010AK47 Assault Rifle: The Real Weapon of Mass Destruction Nigel Bennett The History Press (June 1, 2010) Dimensions: 6.7 x 0.5 x 9.6 inches ISBN-10: 0752453890 ISBN-13: 978-0752453897 great ...Read more...
- The Gun; 2010The Gun C. J. Chivers Paperback: 496 pages Publisher: Simon & Schuster; 2010 (Reprint; September 6, 2011) ISBN-10: 0743271734 ISBN-13: 978-0743271738 Reviews Include: the Author ” ...Read more...
- Guns & Ammo, Complete Book of the AK47, 2010Guns & Ammo; Complete Book of the AK47 (vol 2) June, 2010 ASIN: B003UGNP12Read more...
- AK47 ManualsAK47 Manuals
- The AK-47: Kalashnikov-series assault rifles; 2011The AK-47: Kalashnikov-series assault riflesGordon RottmanPaperback: 80 pagesOsprey Publishing (April 19, 2011)ISBN-10: 1849084610 ISBN-13: 978-1849084611 alt cover: Publication 04/04/2011 ? amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "gunwebsitesco-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region ...Read more...
- Kalashnikov: The Inside Story of the Designer and His Weapons; 2011Kalashnikov: The Inside Story of the Designer and His Weapons Elena Kalashnikova Hardcover: 328 pages Publisher: Ironside Intl Pub (October 31, 2011) ISBN-10: 0935554033 ...Read more...
- AK Handbook AK47/AKM/AK74; 2011AK Handbook AK47/AKM/AK74: An Operational Guide to the AK Series Rifles Erik Lawrence, Mike Pannone Blackheart Publishing; 1st edition (2011) ISBN-10: 0981514995 ...Read more...
- Reloaders Notes: The 7.62x39mm; 2011Reloader’s Notes: The 7.62x39mm Stephen Redgwell Perfect Bound – 49 pages 6″x9″ Canada (February 1, 2011) ISBN – 978-0-9683002-7-5 ASIN: B004LX0B38Read more...
- Everything Necessary Is Not Complex: 2011Author M.T. Kalashnikov Everything Necessary Is Not Complex – Moscow, Association “The Defence Enterprise Assistance League” (DEAL), 2011342 pages– with illustrations. only 1000 pieces of this books Book ...Read more...
- Guns & Ammo; Complete Book of the AK47; 2011Guns & Ammo; Complete Book of the AK47; 2011 ASIN: B005852QWMRead more...
- AK47 Extreme: 2011?AK47 ExtremeText: JapaneseHobby Japan MookSoft Bound; 137 pagesLarge format 11.6 x 8.3 INCHES or 29 x 21 CMOut of PrintRead more...
- VEPR Rifle Manuals (.pdf)VEPR II & K All Calibers 968 kb VEPR SUPER 1.60 mbRead more...
- Kalashnikov in Combat; 2012KALASHNIKOV IN COMBAT: Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives (Images of War) Anthony Tucker-Jones October 2012 ISBN-10: 1848845790 ISBN-13: 978-1848845794 The Kalashnikov assault ...Read more...
- Guns & Ammo; Complete Book of the AK47; 2012Guns & Ammo; Complete Book of the AK47; 2012 ASIN: B00865NLSYRead more...
- Arms Magazine, Nov. 2012Arms Magazine November 2012Softcover; 244 pagesHobby Japanreleased September 27, 2012 ARMS Magazine (Nov 2012) “KALASHNIKOV Maniacs” Wield public influence in the real gun market in the world now, inscription ...Read more...
- BAGNETY DO KARABINKOW: 2012BAGNETY DO KARABINKOW SYSTEMU KALASZNIKOWA BAYONETS FOR KALASHNIKOV FAMILY OF WEAPONS Gwozdz, Leszek Text in Polish Hardbound, 178pp. 1st Edition 2012 Richly illustrated. Massive reference. PART ...Read more...
- штыки к автоматам калашникова, 2012штыки к автоматам калашникова Kalashnikov Bayonets Volume 132 page Russian-language edition Voronezh, 2012 ISBN 978-5-93737-051-8 Stimost book 220 * 300 mm glossy, full color Only ...Read more...
- AK47 Library
- Guns & Ammo; Complete Book of the AK47; 2013Guns & Ammo; Complete Book of the AK47 (vol 5) 2013 ASIN: B00BSD2EUCRead more...
- The AK-47 & Soviet Weapons, 2013The AK-47 & Soviet Weapons ASIN: B00B5LD2ZI Collectors Guide, 2013 FROM THE EDITORThe AK-47 & Soviet Weapons. CENTURY’S GP WASR-10 by Michael O. HumphriesA direct descendant of the ...Read more...
- Kalashnikov AK47 Series… in Detail; 2013Kalashnikov AK47 Series: The 7.62 x 39mm Assault Rifle in Detail Martin Brayley 350 color photographs The Crowood Press Ltd, June 1, ...Read more...
- Top 10 AK47 BooksAK-47 The Grim Reaper; 2009 Kalashnikov: The Arms and the Man; 2001 Kalashnikov Arms; 1997 AK-47 & Kalashnikov Variation; 1991 Kalashnikov Bayonets; 2002 Kalashnikov; 1999 Guns of Kalashnikov; 2008 Kalashnikov Rifle, 2007 The Official Soviet ...Read more...
- Kalashnikov Library
- Bagnety KalasznikowaBagnety Kalasznikowa Bayonets Kalashnikov Published: 2013 AUTHOR: MACIEJ PROSZYNSKI 128 Pages POLISH LANGUAGE Book dedicated to the Kalashnikov BayonetRead more...
- Life's
- The world's…
- Polish book 2013
- The AK47 catalogThe AK47 catalog Volume 1 by Rob Stott 80 pages full color photographs, most never before published or posted. The AK47 catalog covers: Soviet AKM/AKMS ...Read more...
- Grim reaper II
- Library
- AK-47, Grim Reaper, 2nd Ed.AK-47, The Grim Reaper, 2nd Edition Hardcover: 1086 pages Publisher: Chipotle Publishing, LLC; 2nd edition (2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 0982391854 ISBN-13: 978-0982391853Read more...
- AK47 Extreme
- Watch "AK47 Book: AK47 Complete Kalashnikov Family Of Assault Rifles" on YouTube more...
- Watch "AK47 Book: Kalashnikov Arms" on YouTube more...
- Watch "AK47 Book:Soldier of Fortune; April 1987" on YouTube more...
- Watch "AK47 Book: Kalashnikov" on YouTube more...
- Watch "AK47 Book: Polish AK Bayonet" on YouTube more...
- Watch "AKM Manual: AK47 Book Review" on YouTube more...
- Watch "AK47 Bible… Second Edition" on YouTube more...
- Watch "Czech VZ58 Bayonet Book" on YouTube more...
- AK-47 & Soviet Weapons, 2014ARCHER 5.56mm by Michael O. Humphries Based on the battle-proven Polish Beryl, this I.O. Inc. AK lands in America! ARSENAL SAM7SF by Jeff W. Zimba Craftsmanship and modern ...Read more...
- Guns & Ammo; Complete Book of the AK47; 2014Guns & Ammo; Complete Book of the AK47; 2014Read more...
- AK-47 & Soviet Weapons, 2015COVERT FIREPOWER by Maxim Popenker Suppressed 9x39mm tactical rifles of Russia’s elite Spetsnaz forces. AMERICAN TACTICAL GSG AK-47 by Todd Burgreen Worthy rendition of its infamous big brother in a ...Read more...
- Practical Guide to the Operational Use of the AK47/AKM and AK74 RifleBy Erik LawrenceMar 10, 2015 120 pages 180+ color pictures UPC: 853813004167 Developed for weapons familiarization classes and instructor development accurate reference manuals Paperback ISBN-10: 1941998011 Printed ...Read more...
- Guns & Ammo, AK47, 2015142 pages English ASIN: B017GFT3BS Dimensions: 11 x 8.5 inchesRead more...
- Kalashnikov Encyclopedia; 2nd EditionKalashnikov Encyclopedia – AK47 Guru Podcast Buy the @ Kalashnikov Encyclopedia THE SECOND EDITIONIn November 2015 the second edition of Kalashnikov Encyclopaedia comes out. The second edition ...Read more...
- AK-47 & Soviet Weapons, 2016Gun Buyer’s Annual #179 ASIN: B01AVUSKCS 114 pages AK AMMO GUIDE and an AK GEAR GUIDE INTERARMS AK-T ON THE COVER (THE MAGPUL-ENHANCED 7.62mm ...Read more...
- Gun Digest, Shooter’s Guide to AKsby Marco Vorobiev PaperbackJune 15, 2016 254 pages Publisher: Gun Digest Books (June 15, 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 1440246416 ISBN-13: 978-1440246418 Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches Gun Digest Shooter’s Guide to AKs is the essential reference book for ...Read more...
- Firearms News, Book of the AK47 2016Available on August 25th, 2016 2016 edition of the Book of the AK47 special all-AK issue The first time this publication came out under Firearms News (formerly ...Read more...
- Gun Digest, Guide to the Modern AKGun Digest Guide to the Modern AK: Gear, Accessories & Upgrades for the AK-47 and Its Variants Paperback January 17, 2017 by Jorge Amselle Gun Digest Guide ...Read more...
- AK-47 & Soviet Weapons, 2017ASIN B06X8YFXB6 February 12, 2017 ISSUE # 193 ANGRY JOE AK -74Read more...
- Gun Digest Book of the AK & SKS, Volume IIPaperback May 26, 2017 by Patrick Sweeney 286 pages Publisher: Gun Digest Books; 2nd edition (May 26, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 1440247196 ISBN-13: 978-1440247194 Dimensions: 8.2 ...Read more...
- Firearms News, Book of the AK47 2017FIREARMS NEWS MAGAZINE AK47 #24NOVEMBER 2017 Go deep into the world of not only the AK47, but everything Combloc related with our new Book of ...Read more...
- Guns & Ammo Guide to AK-47sPaperback 176 pages Publisher: Skyhorse (January 16, 2018) Language: English Dimensions: 7 x 9 inches ISBN-10: 9781510713093 ISBN-13: 978-1510713093 ASIN: 1510713093 Everything you need to know about AK-47s from top firearms writers. The Guns & Ammo Guide to AK-47s is ...Read more...
- Firearms News, Book of the AK47 2018Delve deep into the world of not only Mikhail Kalashnikov’s famous AK47, but everything Combloc related with our new Book of the AK47. Book of the ...Read more...
- AK-47 Survival and Evolution of the World’s Most Prolific GunPaperback July 10, 2018 272 pages Publisher: Gun Digest Books Language: English ISBN-10: 1946267104 ISBN-13: 978-1946267108 Dimensions: 8.5 x 10.5 inches Written by former Soviet Spetsnaz soldier and ...Read more...
- Vickers Guide: KALASHNIKOV Volume 160+ FIREARMS.COLLECTIONS IN THE U.S., SWITZERLAND, RUSSIA17 SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS. 360 PAGES OF INSIGHT. 360 pages 13″ wide by 11″ tall (approx.) Commercial quality, section sewn style binding which ...Read more...
- AK-47 & Soviet Weapons, 2018Publisher: Athlon Media (2018) ASIN: B07NCH199J by Michael O. Humphries (Author) by Fred Mastison (Author) by Jay collins (Author) AK aficionados-who have made the AK one of the more popular ...Read more...
- СОВЕТСКОЕ СТРЕЛКОВОЕ ОРУЖИЕPublisher: Voenizdat, MoscowPublished: 1983Language: RussianHardcoverDimensions: 5.2″ x 8.1″ (13.2 x 20.5 cm)304 pages with 30% b/w images and photoesRead more...
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