Kalashnikov AK47 Series:
The 7.62 x 39mm Assault Rifle in Detail
Martin Brayley
[Hardcover, 128 pages]
350 color photographs
The Crowood Press Ltd, June 1, 2013 (22/04/2013)
ISBN-10: 184797483X
ISBN: 9781847974839

Kalashnikov AK47 Series
The 7.62 x 39MM Assault Rifle in Detail
by Martin Brayley
(ISBN978 1 84797 483 9)

The book measures 12 x 9 inches and is 128 pages.
reference book
Photos are primarily in color, of good quality
reasonably decent coverage on both the weapons and accessories
Kalashnikov AK47 Series covers only the AK47 as produced in 7.62 x 39mm by the former East Bloc, and foreign nations
The 7.62 x 39MM Assault Rifle in Detail ? possibly other volumes to be released
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