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- Everything Necessary Is Not Complex: 2011Author M.T. Kalashnikov Everything Necessary Is Not Complex – Moscow, Association “The Defence Enterprise Assistance League” (DEAL), 2011342 pages– with illustrations. only 1000 pieces of this books Book ...Read more...
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- Arms Magazine, Nov. 2012Arms Magazine November 2012Softcover; 244 pagesHobby Japanreleased September 27, 2012 ARMS Magazine (Nov 2012) “KALASHNIKOV Maniacs” Wield public influence in the real gun market in the world now, inscription ...Read more...
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- Practical Guide to the Operational Use of the AK47/AKM and AK74 RifleBy Erik LawrenceMar 10, 2015 120 pages 180+ color pictures UPC: 853813004167 Developed for weapons familiarization classes and instructor development accurate reference manuals Paperback ISBN-10: 1941998011 Printed ...Read more...
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- Firearms News, Book of the AK47 2016Available on August 25th, 2016 2016 edition of the Book of the AK47 special all-AK issue The first time this publication came out under Firearms News (formerly ...Read more...
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- Gun Digest Book of the AK & SKS, Volume IIPaperback May 26, 2017 by Patrick Sweeney 286 pages Publisher: Gun Digest Books; 2nd edition (May 26, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 1440247196 ISBN-13: 978-1440247194 Dimensions: 8.2 ...Read more...
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- Firearms News, Book of the AK47 2018Delve deep into the world of not only Mikhail Kalashnikov’s famous AK47, but everything Combloc related with our new Book of the AK47. Book of the ...Read more...
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- Vickers Guide: KALASHNIKOV Volume 160+ FIREARMS.COLLECTIONS IN THE U.S., SWITZERLAND, RUSSIA17 SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS. 360 PAGES OF INSIGHT. 360 pages 13″ wide by 11″ tall (approx.) Commercial quality, section sewn style binding which ...Read more...
- AK-47 & Soviet Weapons, 2018Publisher: Athlon Media (2018) ASIN: B07NCH199J by Michael O. Humphries (Author) by Fred Mastison (Author) by Jay collins (Author) AK aficionados-who have made the AK one of the more popular ...Read more...
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