Publisher: Voenizdat, Moscow
Published: 1983
Language: Russian
Dimensions: 5.2″ x 8.1″ (13.2 x 20.5 cm)
304 pages

with 30% b/w images and photoes
Publisher: Voenizdat, Moscow
Published: 1983
Language: Russian
Dimensions: 5.2″ x 8.1″ (13.2 x 20.5 cm)
304 pages
with 30% b/w images and photoes
AK aficionados-who have made the AK one of the more popular firearms in the U.S. today-need look nowhere else for the historic and modern-day takes on Kalashnikov’s simple yet robust weapon system. Published annually, AK-47 & Soviet Weapons covers the latest AK’s, stock sets, optical mounts, rail systems, ammo and much more.
Written by former Soviet Spetsnaz soldier and avid AK historian Marco Vorobiev, and appealing from both an historic and practical point of view, this authoritative guide will catch the attention of gun collectors and enthusiasts everywhere, especially those who collect and/or shoot AKs and other military rifles.
Delve deep into the world of not only Mikhail Kalashnikov’s famous AK47, but everything Combloc related with our new Book of the AK47.
Book of the AK47 is designed to educate you about the world of Kalashnikovs, past, present and future as well as everything Combloc related. Peek inside and you’ll find in-depth articles on firearms, ammunition, optic mounts, accessories, plus the men who make and use them. In this issue we take a look at Wolf’s new 9x39mm Subsonic cartridge originally developed for Spetsnaz use, Pioneer Arms of Radom, Poland’s 7.62x39mm Hellpup pistol, Norinco’s Type 86S bullpup and IWI’s 5.56x45mm Galil Ace pistol, the 9x18mm Stetchkin machine pistol and 9x18mm PM Makarov. In this issue Special Forces vet and firearms instructor John Peterson goes deep into training tips and techniques for fighting with both an AK and a Makarov.
If you’re interested in modern accessories Sean Utley explores the world of sound suppressors while James Tarr interviews Scot Hosskisson from RS Regulate about his AK scope mounts. If historical pieces are more your style we have you covered as well. Neal Shera explains how the Soviet doctrine of Deep Operations led to the AK47, Leroy Thompson speaks on being a bodyguard in Russia after the fall of Communism, Mikhail Dragunov shares the story of how his family developed the 9x18mm Kedr submachine gun and Richard Venola reminisces about his adventures in Afghanistan in the early 1980s. Along the way we also examine how the AK bayonet performs as a field tool and review Soviet era movies you’ll want to be aware of.
If you’re looking for in-depth no BS info on Kalashnikovs, the Book of the AK47 is the grail you seek.
Everything you need to know about AK-47s from top firearms writers.
The Guns & Ammo Guide to AK-47s is packed with a wealth of valuable information compiled by the foremost firearms writers today. A vast range of topics is covered in these articles, including:
An RPK for America
Guns of the mercenaries
Now: A civilian AKM
Automatic Carbine 5
Molot’s Wild Boar
AK Cutaway
And much more!
Discover tried and true tips, tactics, and techniques from the pros along with guidance on buying gear and firearms from experts including Tom Beckstrand, Jeremy Stafford, David M. Fortier, Jack Lott, and Eric R. Poole. The Guns & Ammo Guide to AK-47s has everything you could want to learn about AK-47s.
Guns & Ammo was established in 1958. It presents content covering the complete spectrum of firearms, accessories, and related products, is the most respected media brand in the firearms field, and reaches more than a million visitors a month online and 10.8 million readers in print. Its offices are in Peoria, Illinois.
Eric R. Poole is the editor of Guns & Ammo magazine and brings years of service from the US Marine Corps to the world’s most widely read firearms magazine. His experience as an armorer and his background with print publications at the NRA led him into his dream career of working at G&A. An avid hunter, Eric has enjoyed the pursuit of wild game from North America to Africa. Since taking the ropes at G&A, Eric has transformed the look and feel of the magazine while developing a personal connection to his readers.
A Comprehensive Guide to Shooting, Accessorizing, and Maintaining the Most Popular Firearm in the World
Go deep into the world of not only the AK47, but everything Combloc related with our new Book of the AK47.
Book of the AK47 is designed to educate you about the world of Kalashnikovs, past, present and future as well as everything Combloc related. Peek inside and you’ll find in-depth articles on firearms, ammunition, optics, accessories and the men who make them. In this issue we take a look at modern AKs like Century’s C39v2 Zhukov, IWI’s new Galil Ace pistol, Palmetto State Armory’s GB2 Classic Red AK, FIME Group?s Vepr 12 short barrel shotgun and Definitive Arms 6.5mm Grendel conversion.
If you’re interested in modern accessories Richard King examines interfacing modern night vision with the AK while Tim Yan checks out a host of the latest muzzle brakes and Matt Korovesis tests Svetogor Defense AK magazines. If historical pieces are more your style we have you covered as well. Tim Yan looks at the development of the RPG-2 and China’s Type 81 rifle in 5.56x45mm, Mikhail Dragunov shares the story of Soviet 14.5mm anti-tank rifles and Paul Scott covers the differences between Soviet and US sniper training and employment.
Along the way we also examine a variety of loads from Wolf Performance Ammunition, Pioneer Arms of Poland’s return to the US commercial market with their PPS-43C pistol, plus we spend time at the Red Oktober Kalashnikov event and interview AK guru Jim Fuller of Rifle Dynamics.
If you’re looking for in-depth no BS info on Kalashnikovs, the Book of the AK47 is the grail you seek.
“Things that are complex are not useful. Things that are useful are simple.”
–Mikhail Kalashnikov
In Gun Digest Book of the AK & SKS, Volume 2, Patrick Sweeney picks up where Volume 1 left off and brings Kalashnikov’s timeless firearm designs–the AK-47 and AK-74–plus their predecessor, Simonov’s SKS, full circle into the modern era. In exhaustive detail and told in his own entertaining way, comrade Sweeney provides not only the historical perspective on these now-ubiquitous Russian guns, but also how to modernize and upgrade them for today’s American-style tactical shooting.
You’ll learn how to order and build an AK from a parts kit, the differences between stamped- and millabout caliber choices, am 01
Sweeney blasts through the white noise, helping you choose the perfect new AK for your needs. Plus how to service and maintain the AK, disassemble, reassemble, repair, inspect and collect used AKs and SKSs. Processes for AK accuracy testing are taught, plus gun reviews of today’s hottest models, including the Century Arms C39V2, Krebs Custom K-AC15 Mod 2 Long UFM and IWI ACE.
You’ll get:AK-47, AK-74 and SKS parts and functions, basic to advanced
Ammunition and aftermarket accessory tips
How to disassemble, maintain, customize and reassemble
Accuracy testing and optics choices for the most recalcitrant AK!
Patrick Sweeney is a certified master gunsmith and armorer instructor for police departments nationwide. In addition to being Handguns Editor for Guns & Ammo, he is author of The Gun Digest Book of the 1911 Vols. 1 & 2, The Gun Digest Book of the Glock Vols. 1 & 2, The Gun Digest Book of the AR-15 Vols. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Gunsmithing: Rifles, Gunsmithing: Pistols & Revolvers 1 & 2, Gunsmithing the AR-15 Vols. 1 & 2 and Gun Digest Book of the AK and SKS.
Gun Digest Guide to the Modern AK:
Gear, Accessories & Upgrades for the AK-47 and Its Variants
Gun Digest Guide to the Modern AK, no longer is the Russian AK-47 rifle merely a cobbled clunker pressed into service by rebel freedom fighters in Third World war zones. Now, author Jorge Amselle presents the AK as a state-of-the-art firearm, with endless accessories and upgrades, and used by the most elite shooting schools.
AK reviews of the most popular models
How to build an AK from a parts kit
Tips for selecting the best AK-47, AK-74 or AK Pistol
The hottest AK upgrades, parts and accessories
For the recreational and tactical shooter, the ergonomic shortcomings and lack of accessories for the AK-47 have been completely resolved in recent years, increasing the rifle’s appeal. Today, major manufacturers are producing new stocks, rails, grips, handguards, sights, parts and other upgrades for this tough rifle.
Learn how to customize the AK, including a full listing of accessories and parts. Find out how to receive training in the proper and effective use of the AK and build your own custom rifle from a parts kit, with tips that will save time and trouble.
Gun Digest
Available on August 25th, 2016
2016 edition of the Book of the AK47
special all-AK issue
The first time this publication came out under Firearms News
(formerly the Shotgun News).
2013 was the first issue the Book of the AK47
“Richard Venola’s Kraut engineers in Russia article. Many have the common notion that the AK has some German influence in it. How much so? That’s debatable! One thing for sure, Hugo Schmeisser and Werner Gruner (the MG42 designer) was in Izhevsk from shortly after the end of WWII to the early 1950s. Venola also has another piece on the history of bayonet use in this issue.”
there are four articles on AK ammo and their ballistics. David Fortier’s AK ammo for SBR and the secretive Russian 7.62x54R dedicated sniper rounds. Jim Tarr’s ballistic gel block tests of the common 7.62x39mm AK rounds. Col. Chris Pappas (retired US. Army) talks about custom hand loading the 7.62x54R cartridge for precision shooting. “
articleabout the Arsenal and Gemtech collaboration on bring their effective and affordable factory suppressed AK combination to the US market.
by Marco Vorobiev
June 15, 2016
Gun Digest Shooter’s Guide to AKs is the essential reference book for any AK-47 enthusiast. As a former member of an elite Soviet Spetsnaz unit and avid AK historian, author Marco Vorobiev offers a detailed look inside the design, development, operation and maintenance of the most prolific firearm of all time.
By Erik Lawrence
Mar 10, 2015
120 pages
180+ color pictures
UPC: 853813004167
Developed for weapons familiarization classes and instructor development
accurate reference manuals
ISBN-10: 1941998011
Printed 100 copies at a time
the manuals as they are ever evolving from user feedback.
This practical guide will give the reader:
* background/specifications of the weapon and its capability
* Multiple descriptive photographs
* instructions on its operation
*disassembly and assembly procedures
* demonstrate correct employment of tripod
* proper safe firing procedures
* malfunction and misfire procedures
Operator level maintenance will also be detailed to allow the operator to understand and become competent in the use and maintenance of the AK47/AKM and AK74 rifle system.
Guns & Ammo; Complete Book of the AK47; 2014
Author M.T. Kalashnikov
Everything Necessary Is Not Complex – Moscow, Association
“The Defence Enterprise Assistance League” (DEAL), 2011
342 pages
– with illustrations.
only 1000 pieces of this books
Book in English
Author M.T. Kalashnikov
Everything Necessary Is Not Complex – Moscow, Association
ISBN 978-5-904540-05-0
“Everything Complex Is Not Necessary, Everything Necessary Is Not Complex” this quote became the motto of Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov.
Part I of the book covers the difficulties and ordeals, victories and defeats experienced by him.
Part II is dedicated to the description of the weapons developed by the outstanding armourer.
Part III is focused on the museum collections and shows of the guns developed by M.T. Kalashnikov
The book includes photo documents from the personal archives of M.T. Kalashnikov and photographs of his weapons provided by museum.
From an award-winning 60 Minutes reporter
a good book on the Soviet-Afghanistan War
Alt Fiction about time travelers from 2014 who go back in time and supply Robert E Lee and the South with AK 47’s.
Printed: 1992
Written by: Harry Turtledove
Harry Turtledove has authored a whole series of books based on the “what would have happened if the Confederacy had won independence”?