- Paperback
- May 26, 2017
- by Patrick Sweeney
- 286 pages
- Publisher: Gun Digest Books; 2nd edition (May 26, 2017)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1440247196
- ISBN-13: 978-1440247194
- Dimensions: 8.2 x 10.9 inches

“Things that are complex are not useful. Things that are useful are simple.”
–Mikhail Kalashnikov
In Gun Digest Book of the AK & SKS, Volume 2, Patrick Sweeney picks up where Volume 1 left off and brings Kalashnikov’s timeless firearm designs–the AK-47 and AK-74–plus their predecessor, Simonov’s SKS, full circle into the modern era. In exhaustive detail and told in his own entertaining way, comrade Sweeney provides not only the historical perspective on these now-ubiquitous Russian guns, but also how to modernize and upgrade them for today’s American-style tactical shooting.
You’ll learn how to order and build an AK from a parts kit, the differences between stamped- and millabout caliber choices, amĀ 01
Sweeney blasts through the white noise, helping you choose the perfect new AK for your needs. Plus how to service and maintain the AK, disassemble, reassemble, repair, inspect and collect used AKs and SKSs. Processes for AK accuracy testing are taught, plus gun reviews of today’s hottest models, including the Century Arms C39V2, Krebs Custom K-AC15 Mod 2 Long UFM and IWI ACE.
You’ll get:AK-47, AK-74 and SKS parts and functions, basic to advanced
Ammunition and aftermarket accessory tips
How to disassemble, maintain, customize and reassemble
Accuracy testing and optics choices for the most recalcitrant AK!
Patrick Sweeney is a certified master gunsmith and armorer instructor for police departments nationwide. In addition to being Handguns Editor for Guns & Ammo, he is author of The Gun Digest Book of the 1911 Vols. 1 & 2, The Gun Digest Book of the Glock Vols. 1 & 2, The Gun Digest Book of the AR-15 Vols. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Gunsmithing: Rifles, Gunsmithing: Pistols & Revolvers 1 & 2, Gunsmithing the AR-15 Vols. 1 & 2 and Gun Digest Book of the AK and SKS.