Publisher: Voenizdat, Moscow
Published: 1983
Language: Russian
Dimensions: 5.2″ x 8.1″ (13.2 x 20.5 cm)
304 pages

with 30% b/w images and photoes
Publisher: Voenizdat, Moscow
Published: 1983
Language: Russian
Dimensions: 5.2″ x 8.1″ (13.2 x 20.5 cm)
304 pages
with 30% b/w images and photoes
штыки к автоматам калашникова
Kalashnikov Bayonets
Volume 132 page
Russian-language edition
Voronezh, 2012
ISBN 978-5-93737-051-8
Stimost book
220 * 300 mm
glossy, full color
Only 500 copies made
1990 Russian Ruble
$59.64 US
80 different bayonets, classified by country
The compilers of the book are the recognized experts in the field of antique weapons in general, and in particular bayonets
Eugene Boldyrev (certified Rosokhrankultura Russian expert on antique weapons, the owner of an online store
Iliev (the world’s largest collector of bayonets to AK)
Cyril Baryshnikov (the creator and owner of the portal
original photo taken by a professional photographer A. Kulakov
Today it is the most complete Russian-language edition by bayonets to the AK and its clones, and the most high quality picture book in the world.
Mikhail Kalashnikov: Михаил Калашников
Hardcover: 448 pages
January 1, 2009
by A.E Uzhanov
Publisher: Molodaia gvardiia
Language: Russian
ISBN-10: 5235032934
ISBN-13: 978-5235032934
Автор: Александр Ужанов
Языки: Русский
Издательство: Молодая гвардия
Серия: Жизнь замечательных людей: биография продолжается
ISBN 978-5-235-03293-4; 2009 г.
Probably there is no such man who would not hold in his hands an AK machine gun, recognized as the best small arms in the world.
This book is dedicated to the wonderful Russian nugget, who showed his talent from the very midst of the people, an outstanding designer Mikhail Kalashnikov.
Getting acquainted with the biography of the Master, the reader will plunge into the fascinating world of domestic and foreign gunsmiths, who has long remained closed from prying eyes.
Наверное, нет такого мужчины, который бы не держал в своих руках автомат АК, признанный лучшим стрелковым оружием в мире. Эта книга посвящена замечательному российскому самородку, явившему свой талант из самой гущи народной, выдающемуся конструктору Михаилу Калашникову. Знакомясь с биографией Мастера, читатель погрузится в увлекательный мир отечественных и зарубежных оружейников, долгое время остававшийся закрытым от посторонних глаз.
история русского автомата
History of Russian Machine
С. Б. Монетчиков
S. B. Monetchikov
Hardcover: 248 pages
Publisher: Atlant (2005)
Language: Russian
ISBN-10: 5986550064
ISBN-13: 978-5986550060
Kalashnikov Arms
Alexei Nedelin
Hardcover: 241 pages
Hard to find, but they are still available
Filled with great color photographs
pictures are from the Arms Museum in St. Petersburg and the Izhmash Factory Museum, where Mikhail Kalishnikov worked
The 1999 edition is
Half Russian and half English