Welcome to the growing Kalashnikov Book Library.

Welcome to AK47 Books,
where we review books about the AK47, Mikhail Kalashnikov
and their place in history and firearms evolution

Trying to complete a list of all books in the ultimate AK library 

Since 2008
We have archived the growing Kalashnikov Library
2013 – Our Kalashnikov Library
has grown slowly over the years
2014 – Using online sources as infrequently as possible, I prefer to find the Kalashnikov books at Gun Shows and bookstores
2015 – As the Kalashnikov Library Grows, I need to find new places to keep it

Each book, DVD, manual and magazine has a review and more information here on the website. Explore through and see which you might want to buy first, or next. We offer some links to books for sale where we can.

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