Kalashnikov Rifle Gunfighting
By Gabriel Suarez
Spiral Bound Paperback: 100 pages
Publisher: Infidel Media Group; 1st edition (December 1, 2007)
ISBN-10: 0980203600
ISBN-13: 978-0980203608
This book was born of the results of our research and studies in preparing for the class by the same name. It is not a picture book showing photo essays of technique upon technique. Rather it is a book of concepts and simplicity…just like the Kalashnikov rifle.
Many of these concepts have been posted at our forum Warrior Talk, and many others discussed at the various AK-based training courses. If you select the Kalashnikov as your primary “go-to” rifle, this book will give you some serious short cuts in how to make it work.
8-1/2×11, Spiral Bound

- basically all black and white
- bunch of photocopies
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