AK-47 & Kalashnikov Variation
Masami Tokoi,
Dai-Nippon Co, 1991
ISBN: 4-499-20582-4
168 pages

Packed full of great color photographs.
Most (but not all) variants .. this is where you can really see the differences in the AK variants
Written in Japanese, so you’ll also want a copy of the english translation
Been out of print for a long time, but there are still copies available from time to time.
A must have for the true AK collector
AK-47 and Kalashnikov Variation
by Masami Tokoi, 1993
ISBN 4-499-20582-4
Published by:
Dai-Nippon Kaiga Co., Ltd.,
Tokyo, Japan
Japan is the source of some of the most remarkable AK47 books published. These books, rarely seen outside of Japan, are virtual firearms museums, lavishly illustrated with full color photos taken with a level of care usually reserved for antiques and artworks.
Avtomat Kalashnikov
AK47 and Kalashnikov Variation. This book is a photo encyclopedia of the world’s Kalashnikov models, listed alphabetically by nation of origin. Each Kalashnikov model is shown in large full color photos with close ups
Many unique model features and markings. Being built by more nations and in greater numbers than any other military rifle in history, AK-47 and Kalashnikov Variation truly exposes us to this fascinating subject in greater detail than any previous work.
section of book is devoted to accessories, bayonets, grenade launchers, night vision sights, and silencers.
A Soviet AK-47 manual is reprinted in its entirety,still in Russian.
Text and photo captions are in Japanese,
All model names and nations of origin are listed in English, which will sufficiently guide one through the pictures.
An English language translation supplement published by an importer can be occasionally found