- Soldier of Fortune; Feb 1981Soldier of Fortune; Feb 1981 One of the first times we saw the AK74Read more...
- Soldier of Fortune; May 1983Soldier of Fortune; May 1983Read more...
- Soldier of Fortune; July 1984July 1984 edition of Soldier of Fortune magazine Origin of the term “Krinkov”First western glimpse of AKSU Introduction of the AKS-74u to the Western world.Read more...
- Soldier of Fortune; April 1987Soldier of Fortune Magazine April 1987 SOF Inspects the Sharp End of the AKM Color photographs AKM bayonets are both fascinating and varied. Left to right: Hungarian, Yugoslav, East German, Romanian, Egyptian, Soviet (attached to rifle in the wire-cutting position), PRC black and red) and Polish. In the foreground are Hungarian and Yugoslav fighting knives and another ...Read more...
- The Ak47 Story; 1988The Ak47 Story Edward Clinton Ezel Paperback: 256 pages Stackpole Books (January 1, 1988) ISBN-10: 0811722473 ISBN-13: 978-0811722476 Good for its time before the Soviet collapse before Ezell met M. Kalashnikov Edward Clinton Ezell, was Curator of the Division of Armed Forces History at the National Museum of American History Heavy on history and information about the evolution and development of the AK series (up through ...Read more...
- AK47: The Complete Kalashnikov Family Of Assault Rifles; 1988AK47: The Complete Kalashnikov Family Of Assault Rifles Duncan Long Paperback: 192 pages Paladin Press, (September 1, 1988) ISBN-10: 0873644778 ISBN-13: 978-0873644778 A medium quality book for it’s time Some drawings and photographs (all black & white) Covers a lot of topics, but doesn’t offer a lot of information on them OK to pass on ...Read more...
- СОВЕТСКОЕ СТРЕЛКОВОЕ ОРУЖИЕPublisher: Voenizdat, MoscowPublished: 1983Language: RussianHardcoverDimensions: 5.2″ x 8.1″ (13.2 x 20.5 cm)304 pages with 30% b/w images and photoesRead more...
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