Author M.T. Kalashnikov
Everything Necessary Is Not Complex – Moscow, Association
“The Defence Enterprise Assistance League” (DEAL), 2011
342 pages
– with illustrations.
only 1000 pieces of this books
Book in English
Author M.T. Kalashnikov
Everything Necessary Is Not Complex – Moscow, Association
ISBN 978-5-904540-05-0
“Everything Complex Is Not Necessary, Everything Necessary Is Not Complex” this quote became the motto of Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov.
Part I of the book covers the difficulties and ordeals, victories and defeats experienced by him.
Part II is dedicated to the description of the weapons developed by the outstanding armourer.
Part III is focused on the museum collections and shows of the guns developed by M.T. Kalashnikov
The book includes photo documents from the personal archives of M.T. Kalashnikov and photographs of his weapons provided by museum.